High value facebook posts are the most critical aspect of your social media strategy. You continuously need to deliver value to your customers for them to give you their attention. This is precisely the reason I love this book of one of my mentors, Gary Vaynerchuk: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World in which he explains how managers, marketers and small businesses can capitalize on social media platforms like Facebook to increase their public profile and notoriety.
In simple terms, deliver high quality content, constantly, and then after a few “jabs” (valuable content) get your direct hit with your product sale or offer. Sounds simple? It does and it is. Here are my types of Facebook posts that deliver value to your readers:
High value facebook posts types
In my social media experience, I tend to classify Facebook posts into 4 different types:
- The data post;
- The value post;
- The business post;
- The feel-good post.
So, let’s look at some examples of all four types and have a walkthrough for each one so we can see how they get distinguished.

Feel-good post
This type of post consists of the main picture that always gives you, the reader, with good vibes, and generally makes you feel good. The description in this post is more of a social media tip it kind-of relates to the photo. The most important thing is that people that are looking at the photo instantly feels good and relate themselves to it.
These type of posts can also include Quotes or relatable persons for your business or niche. Make sure to make your audience feel good when reading them. No negative quotes or messages.
You should definitely incorporate some of these into your business or pages that your managing.
A recommended post schedule for this type of post would be around 20-30% of your weekly posts count. (so 2-3 / week if you have around 10 posts per week).

Data Post (statistics, information and knowledge)
These are very important, especially for businesses. These are actually statistics put in pictures. You can use from averages to total amounts, sums or any kind of statistical data you find for your niche or business industry. You need to show how good you are or how good or profitable your business or niche is so that your viewers can understand why you are so good in what you’re doing.
This helps your audience be informed of actual data from the real world with actual statistics. So, you’re giving them information, you are teaching them something. This is valuable for your followers. It does not necessarily mean you need to advertise yourself in this business, by simply you being the one that’s posting this they already know about you. So use this post type more for the education of your customers rather than trying to sell something.
This should be also posted a few times per week.

Business Post (or business proposal)
In this post, you can start offering one of your product, highlight your services. Make sure it is very specific and that the associated image is representing as best as possible te experience or the product itself. This is exactlly what you’re selling. This is the proposal itself. The right hook if you are still following me on that book 🙂
For example, if you’re managing a restaurant, you can highlight some of their food. If you’re managing a real estate agent you can highlight some of the houses you have for sale or they have sold. If you’re managing a jeweler you can show some of their jewelry.
This is a very specific post. It’s good to utilize more of these over the week to obviously show what the business has to offer.

Value promotion post
These are more for advertisement and can be used as such. This type of post will offer free the things that will most often result in a squeeze page where you will grab the users email addresses. This type of post can be used for free training, guides, tutorials, posts from your blog and so on. Anything of value that you can offer for free to your Facebook Audience.
For example, a real estate agent can offer a free guide on how to chose the best house or flat.
Maybe even good discounts or limited time offers can go in here.
Recap – so you can remember the high value facebook posts easily
The feel-good post – provides good vibes, includes a picture that someone wants to look at and motivates;
The data post – it’s going to teach your audience something (these tend to be more loved and shared);
The business post – utilize it to promote your products or services, make your audience “thirsty” for doing business with you;
The value promotion post – can be used for advertisement,- it highlights the promotions that the business has to offer be it a discount or an extra bonus;
NOTE: These posts types can include all types of content, from videos, audio and images to simple link or location posts.
This is the best high value facebook posts combo to promote your Facebook business or social image for any brand or personality. Do you know other types or methods or promotion posts you can use? What suggestions do you have for the others persons that are struggleing with FB promotion of their page?